Tuesday 9 December 2014

6000 Views (Day 10)

Thanks so much! Keep going on Top and Drop Cars for new posts :)

Monday 24 November 2014

What Ever happened To Top Gear Dog?

Remember Top Gear dog? Well he didn't really like the studio so... Hammond took him home!

Saturday 22 November 2014

The BIG Announcement

Before I start I would like to say sorry because I haven't posted in a while but none the less...
Because like last year I will be doing the 12 days Of Christmas - (with cars) but anyway this year it will be the 24 days of Christmas with 24 of the year's best cars! With a description counting up to the big day - (Christmas!) So get excited and tell your family and of course your Aunt's Dog's neighbor or anyone else! STARTS ON THE 1st Of December 2014.

Sunday 2 November 2014

Limerick Poems

I think I'll give this writing stuff a bash
And Who cares if I make a hash
It's only an attempt
So I don't necessarily have to re attempt
You'll read this in a flash!

There once was a Porsche
That went 300 times faster than a horse
It's V10 Rumble
Was not at all Humble
And it never went off course

James Bond
There once was a chap called Bond
He used a gun not a wand
He drove an Aston Martin
That was usually driven by posh people that say pardon
His name's Bond, James Bond

Everyone wants a Lamborghini
If I got three wishes from a Jeanie
I'm sure I'd wish for one
But I would also wish for a gun
And possibly a zucchini

I hope you liked the poems!
I have to admit I don't want a zucchini.
Well at least my poems didn't go on about Dover!

Saturday 25 October 2014

Why Get a Hybrid car?

Why get a Hybrid Car?
The world is dying. Every Day it’s dying! Every time you turn the key in a petrol or diesel car you're giving the world a death sentence. How do we stop this? We can’t just replace everyone’s cars it would cost a fortune. Well luckily there is a better solution for a better, brighter future. It’s called a electric and petrol engine. Car brands like Toyota, Ferrari and Porsche/Volkswagen have thought of this. Brands like these what could go wrong? It’s basically the faultless brands making the best cars! Now I’m going to tell you why.
Reason 1 : More Practical
Two words, Toyota Prius. An efficient hybrid car that all the celebrities have. Ever been in a taxi in Wellington? - You've probably been in one then. What is a hybrid and why should I have one? A hybrid is an electric and petrol engine. You can choose to run it one just electric or just petrol or both to go fast like the Porsche 918 Spyder. Who has have trouble with money for petrol? - The answer is everyone. So with a hybrid you can use electric instead, it’s a lot cheaper but when worst comes to worst you will still have a tank of petrol. Is your car 2nd hand? Old, rusted, unsafe. Hybrids are new, hybrids are safe. They're made in this century that means more airbags and other safety features.
Reason 2 : Faster Cars
If you're a petrol head fanatic you're probably asleep because of safety features and blah, blah, blah. Don’t worry because the future of speed isn't going to go downhill it’s going to go uphill. The best example is the new 2014, Porsche 918 Spyder. This is a car with an engine that’s like the Prius but got 279 horsepower! It’s broken records and the electric and the petrol makes it go fast. This is because of the electric turbo charger. So this is a car that is more eco - friendly and faster. Ferrari released one like the Porsche 918 Spyder. After Porsche and Ferrari’s success what’s stopping, Maserati, Lamborghini, Aston Martin or even Alfa Romeo to do the same and possibly better!
Reason 3 : Better Future
Think of cities like Beijing. There polluted. CO2 everywhere. People wearing face masks because of the bad atmosphere. Want that to happen to Wellington, London, Sydney or even Stuttgart? The answer is no, no one does. Cars are the problem and it could be solved over around 10 years and you will see the difference, breath in the difference. We humans are responsible to so much sea life and birds or even mammals deaths a year because of oil spills and pollution. Having a partly electric car cuts those numbers in half like a hybrid. Its half electric half petrol. Having a hybrid will make fewer needs for oil or petrol.
Luckily I’m not one of those people that hate anyone that owns petrol, my family does you see but what’s stopping us buying one or you? 3 reasons, Practical, Faster, Better Future. Think about this the next time your car needs repairing or you simply need a new one, when you turn the key or open the bonnet. There is more out there than prius’s and get a hybrid for a practical, faster and very importantly a Better Future.

Wanna Learn something or see something cool like celeb car's or Cool Police cars.. MSN has it all! I have been looking at it daily to see the special thing they have every day :http://www.msn.com/

Friday 17 October 2014

Fiat Frenzy

Don't get me wrong I absolutely Despise of Most Fiats. But lately there EVERYWHERE. So many Fiats! On TV, driving past you! We need to solve this catastrophe! Sorry Fiat Fans but if I see another Fiat Multipla today I'm going to freak!!!    


Saturday 11 October 2014

Day 14 - This is the End

Sadly the 2 Week Extravaganza is over. I have enjoyed posting daily and I will post more often. It has inspired me to post more! So this actually isn't the end because I will post every week at least once! I hope you have enjoyed this Marathon! We have reached 5252 views by the time I posted this what is amazing! We were on 4800 and something rather so that's AMAZING! So like Clarkson would say... On that Bombshell GOODNIGHT!

Friday 10 October 2014

Day 13 - Top Gear being hit by rocks?

You have probably all heard about the Top Gear presenters being ambushed by locals that threw rocks at them. It was pure terror when Top Gear was filming their new special when Clarkson's number plate was EXTREMELY offensive to the locals. It was H982 FKL. Jeremy's Porsche was ruined and they had to stop filming because of dangerous ambushes.

A Top Gear top tip: Read your numberplate before you do a special!

Thursday 9 October 2014

Day 12 - My Car Collection

In my personal Car Collection I have:

I Have:
4 Lamborghini
11 Porsches
2 Minis
2 Ferraris
2 Aston Martins
1 Lotus
1 Deloren
1 Cadbury Truck/Van
In Total I have 24 Cars.
My Favourite is the limited edition Aston Martin DB5 From Skyfall!
Hope you enjoyed this post!

Wednesday 8 October 2014

Day 11 - Creepers Jeepers

Sorry my AMAZING post will be tomorrow.
At the start of the year I sad this Jeep was an ugly car!

Just look at this monstrosity!
Do you know anything better? - If you do: Record it in the Padlet Below!

Tuesday 7 October 2014

Day 10 - Reflection

Today I thought I'd like to have a look at our Top Posts.
Aston Martin: Vanquish 2013 vs. Vanquish DBS 1979

Happy New Year!

Lego Car

Airfix: Where has it gone?

Southward Car Museum Visit

A very bad looking BMW
design.jpg (600×338)

FLASHBACK: James May's Top Gear Theme Song

Southward car Museum Website


Cars of The Future
rocketman-01.jpg (1600×1049)

Well that's it! Don't know if I agree but OK! Looks like I will do another Future Car One!
Tomorrow will be very exciting! I've wanted to do this post for a long time...